Why enroll in a Neuroaesthetics Master to improve you career?

The first level Master in Neuroaesthetics between Art and Science is the first postgraduate course in Italy that has the merit of combining neuroscience with art and creativity. It aims to train a new professional figure: the Neuroaesthetics Curator Manager, characterized by a high polyvalent and transversal working profile, from medical to creative fields. A professional who is characterized both in the application of late rehabilitation therapies based on new virtual and augmented media, as in curating, enhancement, use and protection of artistic and cultural heritage, using neuroscience. The enrollment is reserved to those who have a degree in sanitary, humanistic, architectural or equivalent disclipine.
The study program guides the student to understand the basic neurological processes that allow to understand how human beings perceive, process and evaluate the beauty of art at a cerebral level and which are the neuronal areas that became activated in the aesthetic perception and emotions linked to them, both in the domains of neuroacoustics, choreutics, design of enriched environments, as well as the neuroeconomics in contemporary art markets.
The course is held in a blended format, with online and classroom lessons. Over 50% of frontal lessons are held in prestigious sites and places in the city of Rome, where for over two thousand years, timeless beauty is expressed in all its forms, artistic and monumental.

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Culture and experience

A unique study experience

Nine weekly module, from neural science to art and business.

World Wide Oportunities

Keep the challenge to make beauty your job.

Modernity and Excellence

Technology and cultural heritage, from art experiences to enriched environments.

Love for Beauty and Style

Leave your brain fall in love whit beauty.

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